Hyper Smash

TERRAMININGMC - [Faction] - [SurvivalGames] 24/7 §dPlayers Online: §f86/100

Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: terramining.zapto.org:53565
Terramining is the oldest single Factions PvP server in the world!
As we had initially started in the beginning of 2012.
With the Version 1.2.1 of Minecraft

Our server has been optimized to work especially well for clean cut pvp,
keeping it as close as it gets to Vanilla with good performance and 0 lag

Factions wouldn’t be Factions without the epic bases and raiding though, so this is why Terramining has come equipped with these awesome features:
- Tons of cannoning
- Raiding
- Grief
- Shops
- Creative Ranks
- World Edit
- Adult and mature staff
Join today and start your adventure on TerraminingMC
IP: terramining.zapto.org:5356
Webpage: http://terraminingmc.com/

Minecraft 1.8 Cracked Launcher - FREE
Plugins installed on server: We use our own plugins!!

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Hyper Smash